mixpanel analytics support
mixpanel is a web site analysis software for websites, which automatically is detected and gets individual supported.
There are no changes or adoptions on your website neccessary. All relevant events from the live chat software and interactions with website widgets are automatically get forwarded to mixpanel for individual data mining analysies. With this integration into the aggregated website analytics, it's easy to detect correlations and dependencies and use them accordingly.
A tactical advantage, which helps to increase effectivity and ranges!
- fully automatic mixpanel support
- no changes or adoptions on your website neccessary
- enables the analysis of the website traffic as a whole
This feature is a core function and in all plans without additional charge included.
Try it now!About
Mixpanel an advanced analytics platform for mobile and web traffic and helps you analyze the actions people take in your application and on your website. It gives you the ability to measure any action a customer takes in your application while Google Analytics lets you measure the number of times specific pages in your site or app are viewed.
All mentioned trademarks and proper names belong to their respective owners and do not imply any affiliation or any other kind of an alliance to us. mixpanel.com