Contao is a CMS system which was developed in 2006 - and it's being used successfully since then from companies and agencies.
With our extension, your contao website is no longer completely seperated from everything else, somewhere in the internet. Instead, it's another sales and service tool, directly connected to your company and your staff. Interact and communicate directly with your online visitors and leads, almost like in real life. Your chance to turn your website from "normal" into an innovative and dynamical web presence. A step closer to your customers, and a step ahead of your competitors.
Realtime Monitoring and Live Chat Software.
Accompany your customers and prospects while they are visiting your website.
Don´t let your homepage alone - VISITLEAD.com. For better customer service and more business on your website.
You can install VISITLEAD into your Contao website very easy and quick - whether with our Contao Extension or via our Contao service site. Mehr erfahren ....
Cool features. Watch our video!
A professional live chat extension for your Contao website.