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Voice Chat

Call your visitors - right on your website!

Voice Chat

When thinking about a live chat solution, most people will think of a text based solution, where the dialogues are entered via keyboard. And for many cases, this is a superb solution, but there are also situations, where text reaches it's limits and a quick talk would be much more efficient.

Our voice chat solution is included in all plans and can be used without any limitations.

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Voice chat is optimal for...

From 'chat' to 'talk'!

When a simple question turns into an interesting sales dialogue, the change to a direct call is the next logical step. Speech is much more flexible, interactive and also faster than chat and creates a much better customer relationship.

Superhandy: With visitlead you can change from text to audio chat at any time - this also works internal with the colleages!

Speaking with existing customers

Voice Chat has, similar to a normal phone call, a bit higher inhibition level. Except you know your opposit! If a existing customer visits your website - this is an excellent opportunity for a personal talk!

Live chat with Voice, Text and Video

Voice Chat Voice Chat Voice Chat

Text, voice and videochat is included in every license!

Interesting Links

Voice Chat?

Voice chat is an innovative methode to start a conversation with your website visitors, customers, leads or applicants - or also internal.

Contact us. Schedule a demo - attuned for your requirements!

try it for free on your website